Bathroom x5
Bedroom x5
Floors x2
Kitchen x1
Living x1
Dining Rooms x1
Master Rooms x2
Nanny Room x1
Microwave x1
Fridge x1
Outdoor Chairs x1
Kids Toys
Good to know
Shops available around
Cozmo kids center close by
Watersport rentals available
Restaurants in the area
Dont leave your kids unattended
Respect your neighbors
Respect wild life
Bring your own blankets
Dont move furniture around
Supermarkets in the area
Keep property doors closed
Report any irregularities
Some features of the property are subject to change due to general maintenance and or other factors out of our control.
Good to know2
Shops available around2
Cozmo kids center close by
Off White B
ID #330
Main Features
1st Row
You can also visit the full list of amenities here
Rental Plans
If you need a different package, contact us on whatsapp or call our hotline at 1882288 and we will work it
Book by Call
Our agents will book the chalet for you
Book by whatsapp
If you prefer mobile messaging
Book Online
Make an online reservation
We look forward to greeting you.
We will send you an invoice once your reservation is checked and confirmed. We usually confirm within 12 hours. If we cannot get a hold of you, the reservation will automatically be canceled. To guarantee booking, a payment must be completed.
Chalet Name
Off White B
Rent Package
Not paid
Can’t wait?
We understand the hurry. Please contact us at 1882288 or by whatsapp at +965 55909090
Property Policy & Conditions
Please follow the guidelines and avoid disturbing the rights, comforts and conveniences of other persons.
Terms & Conditions
By proceeding with payment, you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions
First : Validity of personal information
The acknowledgment of the validity of all personal information and addresses entered into this agreement, the legal enforcement of all letters and advertisements, as well as possession of the documentation that proves the validity of the information and the submission thereof upon request.
Second: The amount due for rent and insurance
1- The agreement is to pay the agreed-upon rent in full one week before the booking date, which is a non-refundable amount, and if this is not adhered to, the rental agreement is considered void, and the company may demand payment of the full rental value. If the tenant wishes to extend the rental period, the rental value must be paid in full before the beginning of the period, which will be determined later in accordance with the agreement with the tenant.
2- Additionally, an amount will be agreed upon later, which will serve as insurance and can be recouped upon vacate. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, the company can also directly deduct the tenants financial obligations.
Third - Validity of exploitation of the chalet
An acknowledgement of the inspection of the chalet subject of the agreement, including its equipment, and that it is in good condition for housing and acceptable for its intended purpose, and that the agreed rent value is fair and acceptable for similar cases, and an agreement to maintain the rented property as a private property without changing or adding anything to it. In the event of a breach of that clause, the contract is void on its own, and the company has the right to claim appropriate compensation. If it does not cover the damages, it is deducted from the insurance amount or added to it.
Fourth: Obligations of the lessee
1- Committed to utilizing the chalet subject to the contract for the customary purpose and is not entitled to rent it to others. Furthermore, it acknowledges its personal (family) use, and it is not permissible to rent it or assign it to others, with a commitment to preserve traditions, customs and public morals and not to cause any harassment to the neighbours, and to use the common parts of the property for what it was allocated for, and not to place any objects And not to introduce any kind of animals or birds in the chalet or its surroundings, and bear the responsibility of any damage that may result to others as a result of violating this.
2- Acknowledges that it is legally responsible, civilly and criminally, for any misuse, violation of the law, or crime committed inside the chalet, the subject of the contract, and while those living in it are, and acknowledges its commitment to preserving traditions, customs, and public morality. Inflicting any inconvenience to his neighbours and being liable for any damage that may result to others or to the first party as a result of his violation. acknowledges that the company is not responsible for any damages that may occur during the residence period as a result of fire or bad weather. In addition, the first party acknowledges that it is not responsible for any injuries or drowning.
Fifth: Check in And Check out
Handover of the chalet will be conducted in the presence of the companys representative and in accordance with the conditions prevailing at the time of contracting. In addition, the chalet must be check in and check out according to the companys regulations, which stipulate that:
1- Check in - on the first day of reservation from 9:00 am
2- Check out on the last reservation day must before 4:00 pm , 20 dinars per hour of delay will be charged in case of un following the company’s policy.
Cancellation and Postponement Policy
1- Reservations are not subject to cancellation in any way, and when an emergency occurs, the reservation date can be postponed to accommodate the availability of reservations, provided that the lessee submits evidence of the emergency circumstance, and as long as the company consents to the postponement.
2- The company has the right to demand payment for the full amount agreed upon, which is mentioned in the contract, if the tenant does not attend the chalet on the date stipulated in the concluded rental agreement for any reason.
3- Recognizing that the company has the right to keep all paid amounts, and the lessee does not have a right to claim them
In case there are any discripancies in this agreement, the arabic language of this terms & conditions prevails, please switch to the arabic language version.
For Rent
Chalet located in Al Khairan
All photos shown are for illustration purposes only. The actual place may vary due to regular usage.
Rental Plans
If you need a different package, contact us on whatsapp or call our hotline at 1882288 and we will work it
Bathroom x5
Bedroom x5
Floors x2
Kitchen x1
Living x1
Dining Rooms x1
Master Rooms x2
Nanny Room x1
Microwave x1
Fridge x1
Outdoor Chairs x1
Kids Toys
Some features of the property are subject to change due to general maintenance and or other factors out of our control.
Property Policy & Conditions
Please follow the guidelines and avoid disturbing the rights, comforts and conveniences of other persons.
Good to know
Shops available around
Cozmo kids center close by
Watersport rentals available
Restaurants in the area
Dont leave your kids unattended
Respect your neighbors
Respect wild life
Bring your own blankets
Dont move furniture around
Supermarkets in the area
Keep property doors closed
Report any irregularities
We recommend visiting the property at least 3 days before your check in date to ensure your satisfaction. Our agents will be more than happy to provide you a free tour. For precise location please get in touch with guest services
Terms & Conditions
By proceeding with payment, you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions
First : Validity of personal information
The acknowledgment of the validity of all personal information and addresses entered into this agreement, the legal enforcement of all letters and advertisements, as well as possession of the documentation that proves the validity of the information and the submission thereof upon request.
Second: The amount due for rent and insurance
1- The agreement is to pay the agreed-upon rent in full one week before the booking date, which is a non-refundable amount, and if this is not adhered to, the rental agreement is considered void, and the company may demand payment of the full rental value. If the tenant wishes to extend the rental period, the rental value must be paid in full before the beginning of the period, which will be determined later in accordance with the agreement with the tenant.
2- Additionally, an amount will be agreed upon later, which will serve as insurance and can be recouped upon vacate. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, the company can also directly deduct the tenants financial obligations.
Third - Validity of exploitation of the chalet
An acknowledgement of the inspection of the chalet subject of the agreement, including its equipment, and that it is in good condition for housing and acceptable for its intended purpose, and that the agreed rent value is fair and acceptable for similar cases, and an agreement to maintain the rented property as a private property without changing or adding anything to it. In the event of a breach of that clause, the contract is void on its own, and the company has the right to claim appropriate compensation. If it does not cover the damages, it is deducted from the insurance amount or added to it.
Fourth: Obligations of the lessee
1- Committed to utilizing the chalet subject to the contract for the customary purpose and is not entitled to rent it to others. Furthermore, it acknowledges its personal (family) use, and it is not permissible to rent it or assign it to others, with a commitment to preserve traditions, customs and public morals and not to cause any harassment to the neighbours, and to use the common parts of the property for what it was allocated for, and not to place any objects And not to introduce any kind of animals or birds in the chalet or its surroundings, and bear the responsibility of any damage that may result to others as a result of violating this.
2- Acknowledges that it is legally responsible, civilly and criminally, for any misuse, violation of the law, or crime committed inside the chalet, the subject of the contract, and while those living in it are, and acknowledges its commitment to preserving traditions, customs, and public morality. Inflicting any inconvenience to his neighbours and being liable for any damage that may result to others or to the first party as a result of his violation. acknowledges that the company is not responsible for any damages that may occur during the residence period as a result of fire or bad weather. In addition, the first party acknowledges that it is not responsible for any injuries or drowning.
Fifth: Check in And Check out
Handover of the chalet will be conducted in the presence of the companys representative and in accordance with the conditions prevailing at the time of contracting. In addition, the chalet must be check in and check out according to the companys regulations, which stipulate that:
1- Check in - on the first day of reservation from 9:00 am
2- Check out on the last reservation day must before 4:00 pm , 20 dinars per hour of delay will be charged in case of un following the company’s policy.
Cancellation and Postponement Policy
1- Reservations are not subject to cancellation in any way, and when an emergency occurs, the reservation date can be postponed to accommodate the availability of reservations, provided that the lessee submits evidence of the emergency circumstance, and as long as the company consents to the postponement.
2- The company has the right to demand payment for the full amount agreed upon, which is mentioned in the contract, if the tenant does not attend the chalet on the date stipulated in the concluded rental agreement for any reason.
3- Recognizing that the company has the right to keep all paid amounts, and the lessee does not have a right to claim them
In case there are any discripancies in this agreement, the arabic language of this terms & conditions prevails, please switch to the arabic language version.
Book by Call
Our agents will book the chalet for you
Book by whatsapp
If you prefer mobile messaging
Book Online
Make an online reservation
We look forward to greeting you.
We will send you an invoice once your reservation is checked and confirmed. We usually confirm within 12 hours. If we cannot get a hold of you, the reservation will automatically be canceled. To guarantee booking, a payment must be completed.
Chalet Name
Off White B
Rent Package
Not paid
Can’t wait?
We understand the hurry. Please contact us at 1882288 or by whatsapp at +965 55909090